Jon Refsdal Moe

Professor of Dramaturgy
Department: Department 2
Telephone number: +46 8 49 400 639

What do you teach at SKH?
I'm responsible for the The Master's programme in Performing Arts and I teach the BA-students at the Department of Peforming Arts in dramaturgy.

Is there anything in your practice you would like to highlight?
Dramaturgy is a broad concept and I look at dramaturgy both as an analytical tool and a creative practice. For me, dramaturgy is about the meaning that emerges in the encounter between art and the world, about studying how these meanings emerge and at the same time help to make it emerge in a creative process.

What is important for you as a teacher?
As a teacher, I try to have an open dialogue with the students. I think we learn a lot from each other in that way.

What do you do when you are not teaching here at SKH?
In addition to teaching at SKH, I write novels (have published two so far) and work in the performing arts field as a dramaturge, writer and perfomer. Previously, I have also worked with theater studies research and have, for example, written a doctoral thesis on French theater thinker Antonin Artaud.

(Photo: Signe Luksengard)

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