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Erik Gandini appointed Vice-Rector for Collaboration and Outreach

Erik Gandini appointed Vice-Rector for Collaboration and Outreach

From 1 January, the Vice-Chancellor of SKH is establishing a new position as Vice-Rector for Collaboration and Outreach. Erik Gandini, Professor of Documentary Film, will hold the role and lead the work of liaising with wider society.
Erik Gandini. Photo: Johan Palme/SKH

Collaboration, along with education and research, is the third task a higher education institution must perform under the Higher Education Act. The term encompasses, among other things, collaborations with community actors, disseminating knowledge about SKH’s activities and research results, and being an active participant in societal processes and arenas. SKH needs collaboration to be able to carry out education and research that is of high quality and of relevance to our students and researchers, but also to the world around us.

“Much of what is going on at SKH has great potential for collaboration, not least for external funding,” says Erik Gandini.

Erik Gandini has been a Professor of Documentary Film at SKH since 2016, and before that he had a long background as a director of documentary films. As Professor, he has, among other things, run the Swedish Research Council-funded project The Future Through the Present, which is about how documentary film can depict speculative future scenarios using material from the present. Erik believes that the results of the research project can give an indication of what collaboration can look like:

“The research project I have run at SKH also resulted in the film After Work. Together with the film, the research has had an unexpectedly large impact in Sweden and internationally. It has been utilised by trade unions, HR conferences, technology forums, political arenas and interacted with the ongoing social debate,” explains Erik Gandini.

During the second half of 2024, Erik Gandini has acted as Interim Pro-Vice-Chancellor of SKH, an assignment that he is now leaving.

The assignment as Vice-Rector for Collaboration and Outreach is at 40% and Erik will continue with his teaching and research alongside the role.

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