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News Autumn 2024
VIS Open Call #14

VIS Open Call #14

The call for participation in VIS – Nordic Journal for Artistic Research number 14 is open! The theme is “The Heart of the Experiment (and the art of failure)”. The editor for this issue is Michael Francis Duch, co-editor Tale Næss.

In this edition of VIS we would like to pay attention to experimental art practices and artistic research where the experiment is the heart of the practice and the specific outcome of the process are not known. In many artistic research projects and proposals there seems to be a need for a clear and specific artistic outcome. This can limit the possibilities within experimental art. We wish to look at failure in art and artistic practice, how it can be used as a method and as an integrated part of the process in both artistic production and research. We especially encourage proposals that experiment with different formats, the balance of visual content and interactivity etc, and through that explores and challenges the possibilities within Research Catalogue’s digital format.  

The deadline for submitting exposition proposals is 4 December 2024. When an Open Call concludes, the VIS editorial committee selects a maximum of seven expositions to proceed to peer review, copy-editing, and publication.

Read the full text about the theme on the VIS website: VIS Open Call

VIS uses the Research Catalogue (RC) database for both the application process and publication and can only accept exposition proposals submitted through this method. As an artist, you create an exposition using the tools provided by RC and then submit it to VIS for review. Both the VIS website and Research Catalogue provide clear instructions on how to create and submit an exposition proposal.

How do I submit an exposition proposal?

  • Register a "full account" on the Research Catalogue (RC) database.
  • Create an exposition and submit it via "submit for review" to the RC portal "VIS, Nordic Journal for Artistic Research" no later than 4 December 2024.
  • The exposition can be in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, or English.

Learn more about VIS' application process: VIS submission and editorial process.



Theme: The Heart of the Experiment (and the art of failure)
Issue: VIS #14
Deadline: 4 December 2024

Editor: Michael Francis Duch, Professor, and Deputy Head of Research at NTNU – Department of Music
Co-editor: Tale Næss, Dramaturg, playwright and author

Contact: Heidi Lene Möller, Editorial Project Manager,

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