
Alliances and Commonalities IRL again!

For the fourth time, SKH will organise the recurring international and well-attended conference Alliances and Commonalities.
Trees in fog
Photo: Ellen J Røed

The conference will be held on site this year, between 17–19 October 2024. The Call for proposals is open. 

– Meeting live again opens the door to engage in the kind physical meetings, experiments and workshops where we can explore and develop the conference theme," says Cecilia Roos, Cecilia Roos, Professor of Artistic Practices, Vice-Rector for Research.

The theme of the 2024 conference revolves around issues of coexistence, friction, resistance and dialogue and challenges related to it that are expressed all over the world today. 

– Artistic research has much to contribute to these complex issues and we want to explore this together with our colleagues in the artistic research field nationally and internationally, Cecilia Roos, Professor of Artistic Practices, Vice-Rector for Research.

The Call for proposals is open between 15 September-31 October, 2023. 

Read more about the conference and the Call for proposals

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