
SKH at Tempo Documentary Festival 2023

Tempo Documentary Festival, Sweden's largest documentary film festival, has just ended. SKH Film and Media held a number of programs and there were alumni and students with their productions. The festival week ended traditionally with award ceremonies in various areas and several SKH alumni were recognized.

CONGRATULATIONS to our alumni who won great awards!

Emelie Löfgren was awarded the NEW DOC prize of SEK 50,000 for her film "Om sorg" (About grief). Emelie graduated from the master's program in documentary processes in 2022 and the film was part of her degree project.
Jury statement: With great sensitivity and sharpness, Om sorg creates a place where lives crossed by grief are allowed to exist on their own terms. Respectfully, beautifully and with care for both the people in the film and the viewer, a protected space is established that enables sustainable approaches to an infinitely difficult subject. Om sorg is a movie to learn from, rest in and return to many times.

Sylvelin Måkestad, who graduated in 2013 in documentary film, won the Tempo Pitch Prize - the competition for new documentary film ideas - with her film "Smugglaren" (The Smuggler). The prize includes SEK 90 000 in development funds.
Jury statement: For a project that with warmth, nerve and respect takes us on an external and internal journey with hope for reconciliation. Which through a personal story approaches a collective memory and inherited trauma with a strong connection to the current political situation. A project that touches and engages through a strong and surprising character.

The Short Dox Radio prize went to Rasmus Malm, who took our course Radio Documentary 2020, with his radio documentary "Hej jag har lite bråttom" (Hi, I´m in a bit of a hurry).
Jury statement: The prize goes to a contribution that, with a strong presence and a playful narrative, takes us on a journey through life in progress and the drama of everyday life. With an eye for both children and adults, the entry manages to capture the intangible in the passage of time.

The pictures in this news item are from the mingle that SKH organised for the film and media industry at the end of the festival week. Lina Persson, Costanza Julia Bani and Lena Kempe took the opportunity to talk about Lina's research project, the climate calculator ELSA. Then they mingled with Heidi Lene Möller and Åsa Edenroth from SKH's highly appreciated – and in some circles famous – communications department.
Photographer: Heidi Lene Möller.

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