
SKH and Ukraine

On this page we collect information about SKH and Ukraine. The information is updated continuously.

SKH condemns Russia's war in Ukraine

SKH expresses its strong support for all colleagues and cultural workers - as well as for the Ukrainian people - in war-torn Ukraine and turn against the war in the country that is now taking place.

Incoming students from Ukraine

SKH welcomes Ukrainian students. A student who has fled the war in Ukraine will be exempt from fees if he/she receives a temporary residence permit in Sweden under the Temporary Protection Directive. Students from Ukraine apply for programmes at SKH following the normal application process. SKH is monitoring the issue and will update as soon as new information becomes available.

Read more at the Migration Agency

Read more at the UHR, The Swedish Council for Higher Education 

Support for humanitarian aid

In the view of the war in Ukraine, SKH would like to draw attention to the need for humanitarian aid.

Three organisations and their swish numbers:

  • The UN Refugee Agency UNHCR swish 900 16 45
  • Red Cross swish 900 80 95 - for emergency collection Ukraine swish 900 80 79
  • Médecins Sans Frontières swish 900 60 32

At SKH’s events during the spring terms, visitors are encouraged to donate to humanitarian aid organisations.

SKH participates in international performance for peace

МИР УКРАЇНІ – МИР СВІТУ! (Peace to Ukraine – peace to the world) is an international performance initiated by the Kyiv National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University, in which universities of the arts around the world stand up together and demand peace to Ukraine and the world. SKH participates with an excerpt from the show Festfolk and a chorus declaimed by students, staff and friends. See the entire list of entries here.

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