
Research Week 2023: “We really do have a rich research environment”

The SKH’s annual Research Week, which ran from 17–20 January 2023, ended last Friday. During the week, SKH researchers and PhD students gave a total of 25 presentations of ongoing and completed research projects in circus, dance, dance pedagogy, film, media, opera, performing arts and acting. The Research Week was held both on-site and live-streamed via our website.

– I would like to start by thanking everyone who participated in the research week; researchers, moderators, technicians, administrators, students and other participants. We were treated to an impressive range of ideas, musings, challenging questions, and research in its infancy and completed research projects from all our arts departments at the SKH. One thing that stood out this year was that the investment we made in cluster research was now evident in most of the projects presented. We really do have a rich research environment, says Cecilia Roos, Vice–Rector for Research at SKH. 

Research Week 2023

Images from Research Week 2023

1_SKH Research Week Cilla.jpgWelcome by Vice-Rector for Research Cecilia Roos. Photographer: Shauheen Daneshfar

2-Marie A R 17 jan.jpgMarie-Andrée Robitaille, Alisan Funk, Map to the Future of Circus – Beyond Disciplinary Boundaries. Photographer: Shauheen Daneshfar

3-Katarina Ninni 17 jan.jpgKatarina Lundmark, Ninnie Andersson, Tacit dimensions in jazz dance education. Photographer: Shauheen Daneshfar

4-Ami 17 jan.jpgAmi Skånberg Dahlstedt, The micro-movement in my grandmother’s chest – the tiny gestures of oppression. Photographer: Shauheen Daneshfar

5-Johanna Camilla.jpgJohanna Garpe, Camilla Damkjaer, “Drama, yes please, but keep it on stage”– Presence and sustainability in the performing arts. Photographer: Shauheen Daneshfar

6_Ninni Pernilla 17 jan.jpgNinnie Andersson, Pernilla Ahlstrand, On BOUNCE! Practice-based feedback – A study of Theatre, Teaching and Dance Situations. Photographer: Shauheen Daneshfar

7-Anna L 18 jan.jpgAndreas Hiroui Larsson, Anna Lindal, Johan Jutterström, Lethe – forgetfulness. Photographer: Shauheen Daneshfar

8-Maria HH 18 jan.jpgMaria Hedman Hvitfeldt, Mamdooh Afdile, Alexander Skantze, Exploring theme-driven storytelling. Photographer: Shauheen Daneshfar

10-Karin Rudfeldt 3 19 jan.jpgKarin Rudfeldt, About the art of managing one's unconscious knowledge. Photographer: Johan Palme

11-Josephine Rydber19 jan.jpgJosephine Rydberg, Nadja LipsycAncient Hours – Ancient Hours -a VR-larp for 2 people. Photographer: Johan Palme

12-Sheryl Sher Gorcuff-20 jan.jpgWelcome the last day: Sheryl Doruff, Professor of Film and Media. Photographer: Johan Palme

13-Hanna 20 jan.jpgHanna Husberg, Agata Marzecova, Towards Atmospheric Care: from situating air to cultivating collective engagement. Photographer: Johan Palme

14-Max 20 jan.jpgKent Olofsson, Max Edkvist, Omnidirectional Loudspeakers in Performance. Photographer: Johan Palme

15-Publikbild 3D_Kent 20 jan.jpgThe audience at Karl Sandzens presentation, Artistic exploration of stereoscopic film. Photographer: Johan Palme

16-Thomas Brennan och Mamdooh Afdile 20 jan.jpgMamdooh Afdile, Anders Bohman, Thomas Brennan, Shared space and shared concept - reflection on the cluster research Abstract Narration. Photographer: Johan Palme


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