
Congratulations PhD Kersti Grunditz Brennan!

Kersti Grunditz Brennan successfully defended her artistic research project "Beyond Cut and Join: Expanding the Creative Role of Film Editing" on 26 April 2023, within the PhD programme Performative and Media-Based Practices. The documented artistic research project (doctoral thesis) can be found in Research Catalogue and DiVA.
Juliette Mapp , Karen Pearlman, Annika Boholm, Kersti Grunditz Brennan, Ilona Hongisto, Maria Hedman Hvitfeldt, Mieke Bernink, Maarten Coëgnarts, Filipe Roque do Vale. (Photo: SKH)

The documented artistic research project (doctoral thesis) can be found in DiVA and in Research Catalogue.

The public defence took place on 26 April 2023 at 13:00 at Stockholm University of the Arts, Valhallavägen 189, Stockholm. The public defence was streamed on SKH’s website.

External Opponent
Ilona Hongisto

Examination Committee Members
Maarten Coëgnarts
Filipe Roque do Vale
Mieke Bernink
Sher Doruff (deputy member)

Juliette Mapp (huvudhandledare)
Karen Pearlman

Chair of defence
Cecilia Roos, Vice-Rector for Research at SKH

Kersti Grunditz Brennan is the seventeenth PhD candidate who has successfully defended a PhD in artistic research within SKH.

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