
Autumn term opened with a festive introduction

The university is finally full of students again! SKH welcomed new students into the community with everything from fact-filled information to opera singing and candy walking.
Students watching a presentation.
Profile professors Rebecca Hilton and John-Paul Zaccarini explain research to the new students. All images: Johan Palme/SKH

SKH may be spread across five different sites at the moment, but we have a lot in common and benefit a lot from each other’s knowledge. That's one reason why we’ve long had a joint start-of- term celebration, where students get a vivid flavour of all parts of the university, different subject areas and research. They also get the opportunity to meet the student unions and not least – each other, across all subject boundaries. And, of course, celebrate that the academic year is finally underway!

Below you can see pictures from the whole start of term celebration, and in the right column you can meet some of this year’s new students.

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Mingle in the hallway.

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In her speech, Vice-Chancellor Ellen Røed asks all students to look towards each other and smile – to create a connection across disciplines.

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At the student union, you could try to pin the beret on Bergman and many other things.

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Jakob Klang and Hjalmar Öhrström, musicians in the subject area dance pedagogy, lead the students into dance.

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The subject area dance pedagogy lets students try out different movement patterns.

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Rubén Widén shows off SKH’s new sound lab.

What do you look forward to this year at SKH?

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Ewemande Ehiwe, first year in the Bachelor’s programme in Dance performance

– Nothing! If you have no expectations, when good things do happen, you will be very happy. I’m also looking forward to learning and unlearning structures and questioning why they’re there from the start.

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Nojus Gutauskas, first year in the Bachelor’s programme in Opera

– I’m looking forward to making friends, improving my skills and growing together with others.

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Larissa Barck, exchange student in the Bachelor’s programme in Mime Acting, coming from the Bachelor’s programme in Acting at University of the Arts Helsinki

– I'm looking forward to learning new things and broadening my understanding of what acting entails. But also to make friends and new connections in Sweden.

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