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Alumni interviews: Wiktor Sundqvist

Alumni interviews: Wiktor Sundqvist

Having focused solely on singing, Wiktor Sundqvist discovered theatre and applied to the University College of Opera to combine the two. Today he freelances and sings at all the major opera houses in Sweden.
Photo: Maja Brand

In connection with SKH's tenth anniversary, we wanted to ask some alumni how they experienced their time at the university. Those we have interviewed studied at the time when we still used the names University College of Opera (OHS), Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts (SADA) and DOCH School of Dance and Circus alongside SKH. Next up is Wiktor Sundqvist, who studied the bachelor's programme in Opera Vocal Performance at the University College of Opera from 2012 to 2015.

Tell us a little about your background and why you chose the University College of Opera for your education?

– I chose the University College of Opera because it was a natural way into the profession as an opera singer. I have always wanted to sing and had a focus on singing, but during my time at the Royal College of Music, where I took a bachelor's degree in classical singing, I became more and more interested in theatre and saw the art form of opera as something complete to devote myself to.

How did you experience your time at the university?

– I found my time at the university enjoyable. The climate was a bit tougher than at the Royal College of Music, with many individualists in one place. But in general, I thought the atmosphere was nice and that we all got peace of mind and encouragement from teachers and professors.

Were you affected by the merger of the three schools into SKH?

– No, I would not say that. There were some changes in the education that were noticeable. Whether it was to save money or not, I don't know, but some parts were for the worse.

What did you do immediately after graduation and what are you doing today?

– Immediately after my graduation I went to the Gothenburg Opera and did the role of Janek in Janacek's Makropulos Case. Since then, I've been a freelance opera singer, bouncing around between opera houses and doing many fun role interpretations.

Was it an advantage for your future professional network to attend a school with many different artistic specialisations?

– Well, you meet people in the working world that you worked with during collaborations with the other specialisations at the school. For example, a make-up artist who did our make-up for a play and the like. Maybe there were more extensive collaborations in the years after I completed my courses and study programmes? Or maybe it's the memory that fails ...

How do you see SKH today?

– I don't have a clear picture of SKH today, but what I hear from people who study there now, is that it is predominantly positive and pleasant.

SKH ten years

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SKH is celebrating ten years as a university college in 2024, ad we'll be filling the year with retrospection, foresight, articles and events that connect to the decennial in various ways.

Read about the anniversary and our history on our website

Wiktor Sundqvist (photo: Maja Brand)

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