Master Programme in Choreography

The Master’s Programme in Choreography comprises two years of full time, advanced studies with your own work at its center. It is practice based as well as research preparatory. It will qualify you for a Degree of Master of Fine Arts in Choreography.

Master's Programme in Choreography

The Master's programme in Choreography is designed to create a milieu for learning, dancing and research leading to making things. A guiding idea in developing the program is that dance and choreography are speculative practices that produce the forms they need. The purpose of the programme is to provide education for artists who would like to deepen and challenge what dance can do and what choreography can serve.

The programme encourages the members of the cohort to experiment strategies and methods of being together while supporting and preserving a variety of aesthetics and opinions on art. If you feel that making work is also creating the "fields" in which it participates, please consider applying! The program does not privilege a particular form of presentation, encouraging the students to follow the logic and poetics of the process they have put in place in conjunction with the realities of the place in which they are working. 

This programme is "international", but also emphasises the importance of local relations and anchoring especially in the face of the rapid change we are presently experiencing and the questions brought up around travel and responsibility.

Nordic Choreographic Platform (NCP)

The programme is a part of the Nordic Choreographic Platform (NCP) network. The NCP partners are TEAK (University of the Arts Helsinki), DASPA (The Danish National School for Performing Arts), KHIO (Oslo National Academy of the Arts) and SKH ID). There are many opportunities through this program which is focused on bi-annual meetings that are designed to allow you meet your peers in other programmes and attend events of importance in the region. Through these meetings that expose you to diverse discourses in choreographic pedagogy and artistic research you will be able to expand your future professional network by meeting both peers and presenters and situate the dynamics of your own programme in relation to others.


Study period: 2 September 2024–7 June 2026

Education scope: 120 credits

Teaching language: English

Study location: Stockholm

Study pace: 100 %

Subject area: Dance

Application period: 15 November 2023–15 January 2024

Course syllabus/programme syllabus:Download

The shadow of a person with a camera

Head teacher Jennifer Lacey

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