Sara Ahmed’s Points of Orientation - queer and postcolonial strategies in performing arts

The course Sara Ahmed’s Points of Orientation - queer and postcolonial strategies in performing arts is a course for you who work with performing arts and wants to explore and work with queer and decolonizing tools in your artistic work.

The course creates an overview of theorist Sara Ahmed's thoughts on whiteness and heterosexuality as points of orientation and how this knowledge can be used as artistic strategies in performing arts.

The aim of the course is for you to relate these strategies and methods to your own practical work with the aim of formulating queer and decolonizing orientation points in artistic methods and expressions.

Sara Ahmed is a central theorist in feminist theory, queer theory and postcolonial theory. The course examines how her critical and strategic use of phenomenology can be applied to artistic work.

The course is based on theories and analyzes, and illustrates them with artistic examples. Great emphasis is placed on working in groups and doing your own artistic work.

Photo: Tobias Poggats


Course director: Nasim Aghili

Nasim Aghili is a writer, director and artist who works in the performing and visual arts. Their participatory performances, art/theater installations, art in the public space and sound pieces are often about the experiences of existing and living in various forms of exile - mostly by creating places for mourning and healing rituals. They work in the duo aghili/karlsson (together with the artist and horticulturalist Björn Karlsson) and as a member of the queer feminist art collective Ful, often in international collaborations on decolonization, migration, sustainability and solidarity between movements.

Read more at: and


Study period: 15 November 2023

Education scope: 7,5 credits

Teaching language: English

Study location: Stockholm

Study pace: 100 %

Subject area: Dance

Application period: 15 March–17 April 2023

Course syllabus/programme syllabus:Download

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