Physical Editing

This course brings film and movement-based storytelling together in the editing room for five weeks.

The course will cover working with a story without text, what happens to the movement in the room/body/viewer when it is filmed and displayed in filmed form, what happens to the movement through the editing of sound and picture, what that does to the story and what the story does to the viewer.

We will be watching, listening and editing (your own or material provided). How do we analyse what we do and have done? What does space, time, movement, rhythm and flow mean in the editing?  During the course we will present, analyse, reflect and have workshops in groups as well as work independently with supervision.

The course is on advanced level, full time and is based on attendance 9 to 4 Tuesday to Friday with a clear progression from week to week and collaboration within the group. 

Teacher is Kersti Grunditz Brennan, Assistant professor of film editing.



Study period: 8 April 2024–10 May 2024

Education scope: 7,5 credits

Teaching language: English

Study location: Stockholm

Study pace: 100 %

Subject area: Film and Media

Application period: 15 September 2023–16 October 2023

Course syllabus/programme syllabus:Download

Course coordinator Kersti Grunditz Brennan

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